Celebrating the life of Tony Cowling

Hampton Court Palace, 25th September 2021

What a privilege it was to be invited by the Cowling family to celebrate Tony’s life in such a memorable way. Over 130 of Tony’s family, closest friends and colleagues from different eras of his long career came together at Hampton Court Palace to show their respect, appreciation and fondness for him. Along with many recorded contributions from others who could not make it on the day, we can safely say:

'We did Tony proud'.

Despite the interval of nearly 18 months since Tony’s death, and the Covid-19 pandemic we have all endured, the atmosphere at the memorial gathering held last month was just as poignant and relevant - Tony would definitely have approved!

You will also be able to hear and see a plethora of short tributes recorded by friends and colleagues. For those that knew and admired Tony but were not able to be part of the event at Hampton Court, we do encourage you to watch the recordings and feel part of this fitting memorial.

Our thoughts are with Renée, Tony’s wife of just short of 60 years, ever the perfect foil for Tony, and whose steadfast character added humour and pathos during the event with her loving and faithful gallic interventions.

A toast to Tony’s legacy and sincere thanks to all his family for their very generous hospitality, inviting us to participate in this moving event. We hope you draw comfort knowing how much Tony was admired.